Adelaide Financial Advisors & Wealth Management Experts


Plan For The Future

Portfolio Management

Managing a superannuation or SMSF investment portfolio can be a time consuming task, but it doesn’t have to be. We provide a range of portfolio management services to suit our clients varying needs.

We can relieve you of the administrative burden of personally managing your investments, allowing you to focus on what’s most important to you.

Features of our portoflio service include:

  • Regular portfolio reviews

  • Ongoing management of your portfolio

  • Proactive investment advice

  • Considering the tax position of each investment decision

  • Corporate actions

  • Implementing all investment transactions (e.g. dealing with new issues, takeovers, redemptions etc.)


If you've ever had more than one job, chances are you will have more than one superannuation account. The reality is that you are paying fees for each account you own. Over time, paying multiple fees can impact your super balance. The benefits of combining multiple super accounts into one account (consolidating your super) include:

  • Pay less in fees, which can save you money

  • Reducing paperwork to save you time

  • Keep track of your super more easily.

Before you combine your super accounts you should check:

  • Does your funds charge and exit fees, and if so how much?

  • Are you set to lose any insurance cover?

  • Are your eligible for adequate insurance cover and other benefits with your new fund?

If you are looking for advice, or want help in consolidating your super accounts, give us a call on 08 7477 8252.